All you need to know about yourself

Rebecca Singh
3 min readMay 3, 2021

Knowing what you need and what you don’t need.

Photo by Alexandre Croussette on Unsplash

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”
- Aristotle

Trying to understand who we truly are and what we really want for ourselves is not as complex nor simple to put in words. We probably were more confidant speaking about it when we were kids. Yes! think about it as we dive into the topic and let your mind guide you.

Feelings are not your foe

Let me start this by saying that you are an intelligent, compassionate, kind, and powerful human being. As you go through the day you might experience feeling lost in the daily chores of your life or just not interested enough to do what you once enjoyed. The feeling when you are emotionally too tired to understand anyone or even yourself. It is okay to feel like that.

We play many roles in a day for the people in our life. There is a collection of YOU that exists. You are a daughter, a sister, a lover, a friend, etc. There are many forms of you, each form interacts with the world in a different way. Exhaustion or suppression of inner feelings is usually a sign of one of these minds dominating the other. Understand which mind is affecting you. At the end of the day, do yourself a favor and do something for yourself. Try that new make-up or read your favorite book. It will help you to break away from that endless mind-numbing cycle of mental exhaustion.

What is the destination?

I often ask myself where am I going, I have dreams but is there really a way to accomplish them. As we grow older we get caught up with different expectations our family, friends and loved ones have from us. When you look around you feel like people are more accomplished, wiser, or even have everything figured out for themselves. Believe me, they don’t. What you really need is to focus on is yourself, Trust me there is no one who can take your time and energy unless you want to give it to them. Take every day as it comes and change what you can today. Baby-steps!

If you don’t know what you want from life yet and you are still in the process then make a list of the top favorite path/career and gather all the information that you can about it. Imagine how your life could be if you choose a specific path.

Mountains that you would want to move

Lastly, I want you to remember that there will be mountains that you will want to move. Challenges and hardships that you will face. People that you can always count on, can not be there for you all the time. In a situation like that, you need to focus your energy on your authentic self.

Remember yourself as a child, pure intentions.
You are your own person,
Your experiences made you wise and you know what you need to do,
You are in control of your time and energy.



Rebecca Singh

Working with a leading consulting firm as HR, glad to be a part of the Medium community. I enjoy writing articles on Psychology, Management and Self-improvement